MOBILE CP Collectives Lifestyle

MOBILE CP Collectives Lifestyle
Mobile Presets don't require Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription
The pack was designed by the people behind CP Collectives, Henry Nathan (@henry.nathan), Steffen Eisenacher (@steffeneisenacher), Ian Harper (@ianharper) and Sam Prince (@samjprince). The presets work best on lifestyle and portrait images, but they can also be applied to landscape images. Just remember, every shot has slightly different white balance and exposure, so it is suggested to play around with the settings accordingly.
Also available for desktop Lightroom here.
The Preset Pack contains 5 looks specifically created for lifestyle.
Chilly Ice
Faded Dreams
Fire Eyes
Forest Film
Pool Time
This preset pack is compatible with the FREE Lightroom CC MOBILE Application available on Google Play and the Appstore. HELP Files attached to the download will explain how to use and install the presets on your phone!
A video tutorial on how to download and install the presets directly on your phone can be found HERE.
+ What is a preset?
A preset is a preset of the colors in the free app "Lightroom Mobile". Presets are often also called "filters". You apply them to images to make the image look more professional and stunning.
+ How to use them?
There is a free help file attached to the download. Also you can check our video HERE, on how to install the presets and use them on your phone.
+ what do you need them for?
The presets allow you to build a consistent Instagram feed to create a professional and appealing look for personal or business needs.
+ Do I need a subscription to the Lightroom app?
No, the Lightroom Mobile App doesn´t require a subscription, you will just need to sign up with your email or facebook.
If anything goes wrong, please just contact us and we will do everything we can to help you!